�A Divine Proposition to Reposition�

By Kay Winters ~ April 2009


For the Lord says, �I have sent forth a challenge to many of My people to redirect and reposition them.For even as I narrowed, lengthened and redirected the paths of many of My patriarchs of old, so am I repositioning My people today.Many are surprised to find themselves in a valley of decision, as boundaries from previous assignments have been removed. Some have heeded the indicators of change I have set before them.Those who obey shall find a greater capacity to fulfill My divine purposes as I lengthen their cords and extend their tent pegs.���

�Yet others are resisting Me and resigning to that which is familiar.For these, the assignments that were once a blessing shall become a stumbling stone.For a religious spirit has convinced them that there can be no variation or modification to My assignments.For these, boundary lines have become like a prison, and they will find themselves like a hamster on a wheel, ever running but going nowhere. In these, familiarity has bred complacency and an indifference to My voice and directives.Do not follow after these, but ask of Me, and I shall give you the spirit of understanding.Indeed, My wisdom will calm the perplexities and confusion that accompany change, so that you will not stumble.�

�My Church is entering a new dispensation of My glory.Will you be positioned when the trumpet call has gone forth to �Get ready�?Welcome the change I am bringing, for I shall burn up the complacency and religion that has defiled My house.Purification, consecration and obedience are the mile markers that shall keep My people on the narrow highway of holiness in this hour.�

�Don�t play �Russian roulette� with your destiny.Don�t presume to restore that which I am transforming. Don�t allow past or present circumstances to distract or paralyze you from obeying Me and obtaining the prize of fulfilling your high calling in Me.Arise and you shall hear My voice clearly saying, �This is the way, walk in it��, says the Lord.