America�s Great Awakening�

By Rob Winters

September 2008


For the Lord says, �America is destined for another great spiritual awakening. For surely the fulfillment of My divine calling upon this �One Nation Under God� is dependent upon My Church awaking and arising from their slumber.The intensity and impact of this awakening will be determined by the degree to which My people embrace the spirit of repentance that I am sending.Shake off your complacency and repent, and My zeal will consume you and inspire you to topple the idols of Mammon and Baal that have held you in bondage.Your blind eyes will then be opened and your deaf ears unstopped, as you rekindle your relationship with Me.Honor and answer Me, as I knock upon the door of your heart.�

�For though this spiritual awakening will mirror those of the past, it will in many ways exceed anything you have ever seen before.The restoration of My apostles and prophets, along with the release of My kingly and priestly anointing upon My Church will be key milestones in building an invincible, salvation army.As My army invades every worldly kingdom, you will witness the greatest harvest of souls this nation has ever seen.�

�However, this great spiritual awakening in America will only manifest if My Church earnestly and humbly prays, seeks My face, and turns from their wicked ways.For the healing and revival of America are contingent on My Church�s commitment to intercession, making disciples, preaching repentance, and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom with signs following.�

�This awakening shall expand My kingdom, and shall be characterized by times of repentance, times of restoration, and times of revival.The Holy Spirit, the Governor of My Kingdom, will be instrumental in orchestrating this great spiritual awakening across America.Therefore, submit to My Holy Spirit, for He will not only create a new wineskin, but also will use it to pour out My new wine.For I have saved My best for last.�

�The restoration of righteousness and justice in My Church will be a key to this great awakening.As My Elisha Commission prophets preach repentance, you will see a radical return to righteous living, giving, speaking and seeking.You will also witness an increase in the administration of justice as My apostles mature into the fullness of their calling, as they command, protect and correct their sheep as a father does his children.The lost art of mentoring will return to the Church, as mandates and mantles from heaven are left as a legacy for My spiritual children.�

�A prophetic reformation will precede this great awakening, as Elisha Commission prophets conform to My pattern of prophetic ministry.Prophetic gatherings will be characterized by a spirit of repentance, more so than personal prophecy or angelic visitations.My Holy Spirit will be considered the Treasure of heaven as meetings will be held exclusively to host My presence.Spiritualists and mystics will be exposed as frauds and holy fire will replace wild fire and strange fire during this great awakening.�

�My Elisha order of prophets will replace the Elijah prophets of your day.Their mission will be to turn the hearts of Americans back to Me.They will be humble, reconciliatory fathers of the faith, yet at the same time, bold and uncompromising.They will carry a double portion of the Elijah anointing not only for signs, wonders and miracles, but also for repentance.My Elisha prophets will awaken the saints regarding their destiny - anointing and commissioning every believer to take dominion throughout the kingdoms of this world.Only then will America witness the exposition and destruction of Jezebel and the toppling of Baal and Mammon.�

�I will continue to shake America to its very core, until a sleeping Church is awakened, until hidden sin is exposed, and the corrupt are judged - that I might not only save a multitude of lost souls, but also salvage the divine destiny of this great nation�, says the Lord.


The preceding prophecy is contained within Rob�s latest book, The Elisha Commission ~ Turning the Heart of America Back to God.